Forums - Your Home system MvC2 too easy to beat? Show all 26 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Your Home system MvC2 too easy to beat? ( Posted by Akira Llamo on 07:27:2001 06:06 PM: Your Home system MvC2 too easy to beat? This is question is out to people who think the home system is too easy. Is there any possable freaking way to get the computer to play harder then the settings it has? Maybe a download or anything of that sort? I mean i would go and play at the arcade as much as I could but they took one of the two arcade systems of MvC2 and the other one is not even worth playing with. If this is possable please inform me. Many thanks Gouken Posted by arcticninja on 07:27:2001 06:08 PM: I find that turning up the speed to turbo 2 makes it a little bit harder...still easy though Posted by fate6617 on 07:27:2001 06:14 PM: Re: Your Home system MvC2 too easy to beat? quote: Originally posted by Akira Llamo This is question is out to people who think the home system is too easy. Is there any possable freaking way to get the computer to play harder then the settings it has? Maybe a download or anything of that sort? I mean i would go and play at the arcade as much as I could but they took one of the two arcade systems of MvC2 and the other one is not even worth playing with. If this is possable please inform me. Many thanks Gouken You swear that the computer is going to trap or do combos into supers or do dhc... it would have to be one damn expensive computer to do all those things, like the IBM blue machine or something. Practice at home and learn in the arcades.... Posted by Akira Llamo on 07:27:2001 06:18 PM: yeah thats what i figured, I don't know why they made the computer so easy in this game. They should atleast have a lever above hard like options: Suicide. lol That would be sweet. But I guess it was hopeful thinking. thanks all Gouken Posted by artemis2525 on 07:27:2001 07:36 PM: Who actually plays the computer on the DC anyways.. the only time I play on the DC is in training when I get inspiration and try a new combo... Posted by peteretep on 07:27:2001 07:39 PM: there's a secret "yotsuya" mode that is super-difficult because everytime the computer lands a hit, it will go into an infinite, no matter what character it's using ( good way to learn infinites ). to access the mode, at the main screen after pressing start, move the cursor to "options", count to ten, and then press and hold a, b, x and y. then when the menu loads, while still holding those buttons, tap down, down, start. you'll know you activated the code correctly because there will be a sound clip of ryu yelling "shoouken!". then exit options and go to arcade mode. it's ridiculously hard -- i still haven't beaten the game and usually lose in the first match. Posted by Akira Llamo on 07:27:2001 07:39 PM: listen Chubby, not everyone lives right next to the mall with that damn arcade. Which I wish I did So whatever hehehehe Goukie Posted by RogueSquadron on 07:27:2001 07:54 PM: quote: Originally posted by peteretep there's a secret "yotsuya" mode that is super-difficult because everytime the computer lands a hit, it will go into an infinite, no matter what character it's using ( good way to learn infinites ). to access the mode, at the main screen after pressing start, move the cursor to "options", count to ten, and then press and hold a, b, x and y. then when the menu loads, while still holding those buttons, tap down, down, start. you'll know you activated the code correctly because there will be a sound clip of ryu yelling "shoouken!". then exit options and go to arcade mode. it's ridiculously hard -- i still haven't beaten the game and usually lose in the first match. ] Is that the American Dreamcast Version? Posted by neroiscariot on 07:27:2001 07:58 PM: my favorite thing is when the comp just seems to go psycho on the DC, like one time iw as playing against the comp's cable and spiral and cable hit me with his fp, then called spiral's gamma assist, and then he landed a timpe flip, sent out a grenade, caught me in that, AHVBed me twice and kiled by magneto, i was like HOLY SHIT Posted by Akira Llamo on 07:27:2001 07:58 PM: good tell Goukie Posted by dc_guru on 07:27:2001 07:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by peteretep there's a secret "yotsuya" mode that is super-difficult because everytime the computer lands a hit, it will go into an infinite, no matter what character it's using ( good way to learn infinites ). to access the mode, at the main screen after pressing start, move the cursor to "options", count to ten, and then press and hold a, b, x and y. then when the menu loads, while still holding those buttons, tap down, down, start. you'll know you activated the code correctly because there will be a sound clip of ryu yelling "shoouken!". then exit options and go to arcade mode. it's ridiculously hard -- i still haven't beaten the game and usually lose in the first match. haha...holding down a,b,x,y and pressing start restarts you dreamcast. Posted by dc_guru on 07:27:2001 07:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by peteretep there's a secret "yotsuya" mode that is super-difficult because everytime the computer lands a hit, it will go into an infinite, no matter what character it's using ( good way to learn infinites ). to access the mode, at the main screen after pressing start, move the cursor to "options", count to ten, and then press and hold a, b, x and y. then when the menu loads, while still holding those buttons, tap down, down, start. you'll know you activated the code correctly because there will be a sound clip of ryu yelling "shoouken!". then exit options and go to arcade mode. it's ridiculously hard -- i still haven't beaten the game and usually lose in the first match. haha...holding down a,b,x,y and pressing start restarts your dreamcast. Posted by Spider_Sting on 07:27:2001 08:00 PM: Man the rogue is a harsh bitch I wish i could just play rogue's and storms all day on the DC Posted by Akira Llamo on 07:27:2001 08:02 PM: So the code is nothing but a gag I'm assuming. Huh huh? Damn Posted by Naslectronical on 07:27:2001 08:04 PM: I'd actually rather play against the computer all day than play against the scrub-jin that litter the teaming bacterial pit of arcade at the mall. Posted by Akira Llamo on 07:27:2001 08:09 PM: No offence but i rather play at the arcade any day of the week. I like playing against others in an arcade, but the home system is so easy to beat. GRRRRRRR. Nothing to it at all. Posted by Spider_Sting on 07:27:2001 08:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by Akira Llamo No offence but i rather play at the arcade any day of the week. I like playing against others in an arcade, but the home system is so easy to beat. GRRRRRRR. Nothing to it at all. Me too. I go to chinese arcades in downtown chinatown (I'm chinese, duh), and I see how many "Dieu Lay!!!"'s I can get when I bust out my magnus. LOL I love playing in the arcades... Posted by EndlessWaltz on 07:28:2001 05:08 AM: the game is too easy on dc, wish they could have made it harder (((( Posted by Rock Bottom on 07:28:2001 05:41 AM: Hey Akira, just play Anthony (TJ) if you want some challenge.. woah unbeateable tj! hahahah peace Posted by Taramoor on 07:28:2001 09:56 AM: Do you really need something to fill time this drastically? Do what I do. First: Set the game to highest difficulty, lowest damage, infinite time, and Turbo2. Second: Beat the game using teams of three of each character. From three Akumas to three Zangiefs. When you're done with that... Beat the game using teams of Anycharacter + 2 Ruby Hearts, and win without assisting or changing characters in any way, this includes the computers snapbacks, this can actually improve your game (kinda-sorta)... I (so far) can only manage it with: Sakura Guile Strider Cable Tron CapCom Jin & Dan I still get absolutely reamed when I face serious players at the arcades though. When the computer comes at you with a Storm, Rogue, Sentinel team it can be a real b*tch. Also, anybody else ever see the CPU's Spiral teleport? I don't think I have... I've seen the computer do the Gambit & Juggy glitches though Posted by kymah on 07:28:2001 05:09 PM: You want difficult? Go into training mode, and set the speed to Turbo 2. Then set the Dummy to CPU Pick Storm, Rogue and Magento as your dummys. Now play for awhile, and eventually, they will all go on bitch mode. Man, If I could trianle jump, re-jump, cross-over jump like that, I would be unstoppable. Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 07:28:2001 05:31 PM: they need to make the computer as hard is it is in SF3S...gill is freaken hard...thats wt they need to do...or make all the players play as hard as rougue or storm...damn that games way to easy... Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 07:28:2001 05:37 PM: they need to make the computer as hard is it is in SF3S...gill is freaken hard...thats wt they need to do...or make all the players play as hard as rougue or storm...damn that games way to easy...and kymah ill try wt ur saying sounds interesting... Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 07:28:2001 05:42 PM: Is there a morrigan glitch where she flies off the screen. It's happened to me before and I was very confused. She did land after about twenty seconds but I didn't think there was one. Also, the comp has done the gambit and juggy glitches one me, they're so evil. Posted by g_ngan on 07:28:2001 08:22 PM: quote: Originally posted by Gerjay_2001 Is there a morrigan glitch where she flies off the screen. It's happened to me before and I was very confused. She did land after about twenty seconds but I didn't think there was one. Also, the comp has done the gambit and juggy glitches one me, they're so evil. yes i tried that~ i was playing computer and i have no idea why she flies away~ Posted by Akira Llamo on 07:29:2001 04:28 AM: Hey rock, First off. If a kid thats only 13 has massive talent in that game compaired to bitchy TJ who's always complaining how he sucks and never pratices then I think there's no challenge. LOL...but wait, the ultimate massive Ego build up.. EXCELLENT IDEA ROCK!!!! As for the Glitches, i have no damn clue, I think they have some sites out there that explain most of them but I haven't gone browsing around online to know which one's they are. umm..but yeah...whatever.. Goukie All times are GMT. The time now is 09:42 PM. Show all 26 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.